Monday 23 November 2015

Music with Jenny

"I was conducting the whole class. I was pointing to the symbols like red triangle so the rest of the class knew what to do. I loved it" said Sasha. Jenny said you were a great example and now loads of kids want to have a turn!

Sunday 22 November 2015

Writing to persuade

First we had to work out what 'writing to persuade' really meant. After some chatting and thinking we decided it is when you are trying to convince someone to think like you.
Kerri said "we should wear school uniforms!" With our learning partners we had decide what we thought - do we agree or not? Then we had to come up with our reasons...

With our learning partners we had to come up with some ideas of our own. 
We should have a class pet, we should not bring home toys to school, we should not go to the toilet during class time were just a few of our ideas... Now the hard part. In groups we thought up some reasons to agree and disagree 

Now it's time to plan and write our stories...

Birthday Bubbles

Yum! Eshaan shared some special flavoured marshmallows and lollies wit us. We had 1 for now and some to take home. Hope you had a great birthday Eshaan!

Days of the week

We are learning the days of the week in Te Reo. It is quite tricky so we have made a days of the week memory game and we play it during reading time. We have a chart to help us make sure we have made a match.

Saturday 31 October 2015

Birthday bubbles

What a lot of birthdays we have had to start this term. Hope you have a great day Jamie!

What's inside our bodies?

We are finding out what is inside our bodies and in our food. Harold the giraffe is very funny and Tim is helping us to learn all about what we need to eat to stay healthy. 
Tim and Harold singing to us.
We found out that we breathe in oxygen and it goes into our lungs, we know that our small intestine is about 4-6 m long and it where food is chopped up into tiny bits that our bodies can use.

The pyramid is like the traffic lights. Green for go - we eat lots of fruit, vegetables and cereals.
Orange is for going slow - we eat some of these foods. Red is for stop. These are the treat foods.

We are learning the healthy food haka. Go us and Go the All Blacks!!
We had to decide where to put the food. Is it food from animals, food from the ground or processed food. Tim said we were awesome! We got them nearly all right!!

HIgh 5 Shop

We have been very busy in maths solving all sorts of problems. On Friday we had a class shop and had to work out all the different ways we could spend our $2.80. We had to record our thinking and share it back to the group. We thought maths time was like discovery! We practised counting in 10’s, adding and taking away. We had to think a lot to find as many different ways to spend our money.
High 5 Shop - here is our price list. What can we buy?
We are counting in 10's, adding and subtracting using 10's to work out what we can buy and what change we are going to get. What a team!